Hey Gorgeous! I’m Melinda Turner Young, CEO and Founder of Generation Gorgeous! Above is my family; my extremely loving and supportive husband; Donnell & our gorgeous daughters; Ella, 6 and Nina, 11 who are also owners and co-founders.

I started Generation Gorgeous for a number of reasons. It was simple... I was in search of a silk pillowcase, and silk sleep mask because I wanted to experience all the beauty, anti-aging and sleep benefits you get from them.

Like many of you, I was tired of waking up with dry skin, sleep lines and random blemishes on my face that would eventually become dark spots, fine lines and wrinkles (if I didn't stop them). I was tired of waking up with frizzy hair that lead to hair breakage and split ends. I also was in dire need of finding a way to fall asleep and stay asleep because I couldn’t remember the last time I slept through the night.

When I browsed online, and in stores for silk pillowcases and silk sleep masks, much of what I saw ran upwards of $100 per pillowcase and $50 or more per sleep mask. So I did some quick math, because (I don't know about you, but) if I purchased a fabulous luxurious silk pillowcase and matching plush silk sleep mask for myself, and didn't get sets for my family, I would have received the worst guilt trip. This means, if I bought sets for each of us, I’d be looking at roughly $600 (plus tax) for the 4 of us, and quite frankly...that wasn’t in my budget and I am probably sure it's not in the budget for most!

I knew if I was going through this dilemma others probably were as well. Thus, ‘Generation Gorgeous’ was born. Generation Gorgeous was created so everyday people can enjoy and experience high-quality, luxury products for an affordable price. We believe EVERYONE deserves to look and feel gorgeous. We are striving to normalize luxury that will not break your piggy bank.

Thank you for supporting our small, family, woman, minority, black-owned business! We are anxiously awaiting to help you to look and feel gorgeous!